11 December 2020 15:59

Answering a question about the date of transition to face to face education at schools, Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk stressed that his Ministry has constant contacts with the Ministry of Health and the Science Board about this issue.
Noting that the Ministry is using software that keeps the daily track of each student and teacher, Selçuk said, "We will discuss face to face education calendar in the upcoming cabinet meeting. We share all data with related Ministries and state offices. We will make assessments under the leadership of Mr. President. We will decide according to the data."
Answering a question if the Ministry will open face to face education in case daily infected people figures drop, the Minister said this issue is not only related with figures but also in relation with other elements such as social behaviors and situation of hospitals.
"The Ministry of Health and the Science Board stated that schools had no dramatic impact in the rise of pandemic. This was the same with our observations," stated Selçuk.
"January 4 is an optimistic estimation for face to face education"
When Minister Selçuk was reminded about his review statement as, January is an optimistic estimation for the beginning of face to face education, he said, "What I tried to say was; I want to open schools as soon as possible because of learning loss as well as emotional loss of students. But we are also aware of the concerns of parents. These concerns are very important."
"When we consider all these facts, January 4 is an optimistic date. We cannot be sure we will be able to say that there is no problem anymore on this date. We will wait and see. We must consider all possibilities and then make decisions," stressed Minister Selçuk.
When is the semester holiday?
Minister Selçuk said that the Ministry has completed necessary preparations about partial and full opening of face to face education and they are also ready to flex the education calendar according to the conditions and find solutions to problems that may occur in time.
Minister Selçuk said that they want to give printed record cards to students but they also have preparations if any changes occur in the education calendar.  
Referring to vaccination of teachers in the second phase, Selçuk said his Ministry has been consulting with the Ministry of Health and the Science Board about teachers who have contacts with public and they have reached a pre-consensus about vaccinating teachers in the second phase of the vaccination.
300 thousand tablets will be distributed in December
Answering a question about tablet distribution, Selçuk said that the Ministry has distributed more than 150 thousand tablets since now and distribution will continue on December 14, 21 and 28.
"300 thousand tablets will be distributed in December and distribution of 500 thousand tablets will be completed until mid-January," stated Selçuk.
Noting that the number of EBA support points reached 14 thousand 500, Selçuk reminded that newspapers and televisions in Japan made news stories about EBA and the system is recognized at the international level. 
Ziya Selçuk stressed that EBA can give simultaneous service to 3 million people every day and Turkey is among the few countries which can offer live classes to students.
Situation of pre-school and kindergartens
Answering a question as  "'Kindergartens affiliated to the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services are open but those which are affiliated to the Ministry of National Education are closed. There are families complaining about this situation and they are wondering if you are going to take steps about it", Minister Selçuk said preschools affiliated to our ministry are responsible for 4, 5 and 6 year old students while 0-3 year old children are going to kindergartens. Our Ministry has no kindergartens." 
Concerning questions about the High School Entrance System (LGS) and the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS), Selçuk stressed that it is a dynamic process.
Reminding that the Ministry made amendments in the last LGS and YKS due to new type of corona virus (Covid-19) pandemic but the EBA lacked required infrastructure last year but the Ministry reinforced the infrastructure and contents of EBA.
Minister Selçuk underlined that students may suffer from learning loss for years adding that the Ministry had adapted an approach considering this fact and took decisions in cooperation with veteran educators.
Minister Selçuk said that the Ministry will overcome learning loss problems within two years.
"Turkey must feel proud about this success"
When it was reminded that Turkey has achieved to increase its grade above 500 points for the first time in its history in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2019, Minister Selçuk said, "Actually, it was a great success but it was mentioned even for a day. Turkey must feel proud about his success."
Selçuk underlined that all students from lower, middle and upper socio-economic level have increased their average grades.